Thursday, April 30, 2009

I wish the world felt like this

With no secrets. No obsession. 
This time I’m speeding with no direction. 
Without a reason. What is this fire? 
Burning slowly. My one and only. 

 -Ryan Adams

Thursday, April 23, 2009

hoodies (i want one)

fall like a stone

today is thursday.  a day that was important.
so many late nights this week.  
new york, new jersey, new everything.
copeland was amazing. 
somehow, max and i made it to the front.  
true life:  i am a fangirl
today i'll breathe in the city air.
i'll check for a familiar face.
maybe we all take comfort in stolen objects.

The sun burns a hole straight through your old flaws
If you look toward the sky even on your greyest night
Could you be happy now, with the wind in your hair
And your eyes open wide and your feet going nowhere?
Could you be happy to fall like a stone
If you'd land right here safe in my arms

Friday, April 17, 2009


"You aint gotta learn the alphabet to know that i'm a G."

-Lauren S.


there are times its nice to wake up before everyone else does.

on my grind.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

thanksgiving in april

today is tuesday.  usually cleaning day.
i moved out of my house yesterday.
today i spent the day all over philadelphia.
estelles breakfast.  walnut shopping.  cosis lunch.
temple wheel of fortune.  capogiros dessert.
i am thankful for close friends and good food.

"But now I feel changed around,
And instead falling down,
Im standing up the morning after.

Situations get fucked up
Turned around sooner or later"
-elliot smith

Sunday, April 12, 2009

bunny day, fair play

today is sunday. it is easter sunday.
my mom broke out her old record collection.
i spent the day eating food and enjoying family.
my niece and i played in the front yard.
easter egg hunts. sunshine. dogwood doorsteps.

last night i had dinner in the city.
it was so good to see her.
leaving phones in the car.
cold hands. true notes. bright lights. long talks.
the best night i've had in a while.
(even if she is ice cream greedy)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


But certainly any room
With a view of other windows
Must have doors that you can use
So you can be happy
For the first time in your life
Amen, it's your destiny
It can start any time
And maybe you'll find someone
To lay some roots down next to you
And be more like the trees
And less like the clouds
Stop moving around so much

-Ryan Adams, Cardinology (2008)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

where we're

yes is a pleasant country:
if's wintry
(my lovely)
let's open the year

both is the very weather
(not either)
my treasure,
when violets appear

love is a deeper season
than reason;
my sweet one
(and april's where we're)

- ee cummings
1 x 1 [One Times One], 1944

blacking out the friction

Death Cab for Cutie - The Photo Album (2001)


today is wednesday.  waking up in the city feels familiar.
i ate chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. 
orange juice and coffee.
first days of work are always fun.
i was always good at staying up late.
snacking and watching law and order.
sometimes time off is the best way to earn a living.
just like you, i won't say anything at all.

Boom Dakka Dakka

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

sergeant syrup?


every thing

today feels like autumn in spring.
riding my bike down walnut lane, i breathe deeply.
i close my eyes and remember.

its a strange feeling when old meets new
and you have nothing to lose.

every thing has a season.

no other life

Written By Gary Young - From his book “No Other Life”

Sunday, April 5, 2009

"flying forward"

Heritage – it can mean many things, but in the fashion world it’s the buzzword of the moment.Take a brand that has history and tradition. Inject some freshness and collaborate with a hip artist. Formula – Success. One such example is the re-birth of Feiyue Shoes from Shanghai. Originally created in the 1920s, Feiyue became famous in the 30s for its association with the martial arts. Freiyue symbolizes the dual elevation of both body and mind. Feiyue actually translates to “flying forward”. Fast forward to 2005 and you have Patrice Bastian (a major sneaker freaker) who decided that these shoes could lend themselves to being the new item du jour. They were flexible and light by nature and had a great retro feel. With the services of graphic designer Charles Munka, the new image of Feiyue was created. It has since then gained momentum for being original yet classic and incredibly comfortable. Keeping up with the trends of today, you can choose between fresh, unadorned white, grey marle, artist prints or limited-edition designer styles. – Kate Vandermeer

A good book can be defined by being well used, cared for, shared with others and enjoyed. It is referenced often, stimulating conversation with those around you. The new label emerging from Canberra, Australia titled “Book Club” hopes to become as loved and timeless as a good book, getting better with age and encouraging a sense of belonging to the process upon each garment has gone through before reaching the final customers hands.

In the game of seduction, There is only one rule: Never fall in love

Cruel Intentions (1999)

i held so many people in my suitcase heart

today is sunday. we are trapped (literally) in a hotel in maine.
i am watching the patriot for the 80th time in my life.
it never gets old.
i think i might go swimming and work out with tony.
we leave tomorrow for home.
my suitcase and heart feel much lighter.
i needed this trip.

ps. we got totally played by a friendly's waitress...
courtney (wherever you are) i hope you read this and feel ashamed of yourself haha.

she moves in her own way

The Kooks album: "Inside In Inside Out" (2006)

I forgot how much I liked this album until I heard it playing in a Friendly's restaurant.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Site of the Night: USA Character Project

half of my heart

ugh... how does he do it?

"But to evolve you have to dismantle, and that means accepting the idea that nothing you've created in the past matters anymore, except that it brought you here.
To pick up your new marching orders." - John Mayer

say i am you

What can I compare you to, when everything looks like you?
I get a bit confused with every Spring
Flowers that bloom your eyes, hummingbirds side by side
My heart won't stay entirely in this rib caging

max downloaded this album today... could quickly become a favorite.

boston lights

today is friday. i spent last night in boston.
harvard has a beautiful campus. we ate awesome mexican food.
today we are at a hotel in maine.
i have never been to maine.
i always pictured a bunch of old fisherman walking around.
sometimes it's easy to forget how far you are away from home.
pizza party!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

its in another universe

Listening to Ryan Adams "Cardinology"

everything slows down 

Somewhere in Connecticut

I am in the woods somewhere in Connecticut.  
It reminds me of this movie. 
Maybe I will ditch everybody and run away into the wild.
Live off berries and twigs.

talks with eli

what i love vs. who i love
what i need vs. who i need
what i do vs. who i do

selfish vs. necessary